from Warehouse Development & a neighboring water issue all happening here

We are a group of Maxatawny Township residents, businesses, farms, stakeholders and surrounding communities working together to save Maxatawny Township by promoting sound economic development to help keep our lands, roadways, water ways and residents safe along with protecting our quality of life, historical heritage, farms and the lands of the indigenous people.
Help us save Maxatawny Township and surrounding communities from the irreversible blight that e-commerce, distribution warehouses will bring! We hope you will choose to work with us to preserve our unique community by joining us by communicating to our Township officers that warehouses and large scale industry do not belong here. The ripple from one drop in the pond has an effect on all the drops that came before it. Help us to have a positive effect on our communities.
If distribution centers, large commercial warehouses or manufacturing facilities are permitted, increases in truck traffic will dangerously impact our roads and community. Walking, driving, riding and even homes will be in peril.
We've discovered how important it is to be aware of where our water comes from. Who is responsible for the protection of our water source and its supply? We all are. What can we do to protect our local water supply?
Pennsylvania's largest source of revenue is agriculture. We need to protect this resource - LAND - so farmers can continue growing. Maintaining farmland also helps maintain a healthy environment via carbon emissions reduction.
Get caught up with a timeline of what has been taking place since our Maxatawny Township Coalition began.
Read the news about our township in newspapers, television & online. New! Check us out in WSJ and CBS News!
We wanted to share remarks from those in our community as well as nearby stakeholders. The impact is real.
Where is Maxatawny Township and what areas, lands and roadways could be impacted by large-scale development?
What are the unique, historic landmarks that define our history here in our township, our county and State?
What is Maxatawny? Celebrate our history and origins and why we mean home for so many Pennsylvanians.
Maxatawny Township Building 127 Quarry Rd, Kutztown
Agenda will be posted on the Maxatawny Township website,, and the Maxatawny Township Facebook page 24 hours before...
Maxatawny Township Building 127 Quarry Rd, Kutztown
Maxatawny Township Building 127 Quarry Rd, Kutztown
#4 Conditional Use Hearing 222 Capital Partners LLC. Agenda will be posted on the Maxatawny Township website,, an...
Maxatawny Township Building 127 Quarry Rd, Kutztown
Agenda will be posted on the Maxatawny Township website,, and the Maxatawny Township Facebook page 24 hours before...
Maxatawny Township Building 127 Quarry Rd, Kutztown
Agenda will be posted on the Maxatawny Township website,, and the Maxatawny Township Facebook page 24 hours before...
Maxatawny Township Building 127 Quarry Rd, Kutztown
Maxatawny Township Building 127 Quarry Rd, Kutztown
Agenda will be posted on the Maxatawny Township website,, and the Maxatawny Township Facebook page 24 hours before...
Maxatawny Township Building 127 Quarry Rd, Kutztown
Place a sign in your front yard or at your business or organization that says "No Maxatawny Warehouse." Contact us to request one.
Post a sign in your window at your business. Contact us to request one.
if you feel compelled to make a difference and protect our local community way of life, contact the Maxatawny Supervisors and local state representative and senator to express your concerns. Ask them to take action.
Contact us to volunteer help.
If you would like to join our community email list for weekly updates and news, click here.
Attend the township meetings to express your concerns for having this land redeveloped.
Write a letter to your township (Maxatawny and neighboring townships that will all be impacted), and to your County Board of Supervisors, State Representative, State Senator and Governor. We've created templates to help you.
Dynamic opportunity for students majoring in Social Media/Marketing, Communications, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Law, Government, or Political Science.
We continue to accrue legal bills and we also continue to be so grateful for your ongoing support!! We've been working hard to save our communities so, what are you waiting for?! Let's make it happen together!!
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You can send a check payable to Maxatawny Community Coalition to PO Box 643, Kutztown, PA 19530
Click on the GoFundMe button ABOVE
Click on the PayPal button BELOW
Sign up to hear from us about latest news and events.
Maxatawny Community Coalition
Copyright © 2024 Maxatawny Community Coalition - All Rights Reserved.
We are continuing to support our Township leadership through research, expert testimony and additional legal advice to make sure our ordinances are followed by mega warehouse developers. We hope to keep our residents and other communities safe. We have three warehouse projects in Conditional Use Hearings or court appeals. There are now SIX proposed warehouses totaling over 4 MILLION sq. ft. Our fight is NOT over!
PLEASE, consider donating to the Maxatawny Community Coalition (MCC) to help cover legal fees and expert witnesses in preparation of the hearings. Thank you!!